How to add RISITA token to my wallet?

How to add RISITA token to my wallet?

Here’s a simple guide to adding the RISITA token to your MetaMask wallet, ensuring you’re ready to join in on the memecoin fun with precision and ease!

1) Add Base Mainnet to your Wallet

First of all, as RISITA is now running on the Base network, you’ll need to add Base chain to your MetaMask wallet (follow our tutorial, it’s fast and easy).

Then, copy the token address of RISITA:


If you don’t own any RISITA yet, here’s how you can get some: How to buy RISITA

1) Add Base Mainnet to your Wallet

First of all, as RISITA is now running on the Base network, you’ll need to add Base chain to your MetaMask wallet (follow our tutorial, it’s fast and easy).

Then, copy the token address of RISITA:


If you don’t own any RISITA yet, here’s how you can get some: How to buy RISITA

2) Open MetaMask

Make sure MetaMask is installed on your browser or mobile device. If not, download it from the official website and set up an account (do not forget to save the seed phrase in a safe place, you’ll need it if you loose access to your wallet).

3) Select the ‘Base Mainnet’ Network

Confirm you’re on the Base network, where RISITA is traded. If you didn’t add this network to your wallet yet, check this quick tutorial.

4) Expand View

Click on the menu icon in MetaMask (three horizontal lines), then find and select ‘Expand view’.

5) Navigate to ‘Import tokens’

Select the ‘Tokens’ tab, then select ‘Import tokens’ at the bottom of the interface.

Metamask - How to import RISITA token

6) Import Token Address

Select the ‘Custom token‘ tab, input the contract address of the RISITA token (the one you’ve copied at Step 1). This address should be officially provided on the RISITA website or a trusted blockchain explorer like BaseScan.

7) Token Details Fill Automatically

After entering the address, MetaMask should automatically populate the fields for the token symbol and decimals. Check if everything is ok and click ‘Next‘.

Metamask - How to add RISITA token address

8) Add the Token

Click on ‘Import’. The RISITA token should now be listed in your MetaMask wallet along with your balance!

Metamask - How to import RISITA token

With these easy steps, you’ve successfully added the RISITA token to your MetaMask wallet. You’re now set to engage with the token, be it for trading, holding, or just enjoying the ride in the memecoin universe!